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“If you know where it’s going, it’s not worth doing.” I love this quote by Frank Gehry. It reminds me to be brave about the unknowable depths of the artmaking process. Art can speak about the seen and the unseen in a way that still baffles/eludes and thrills me after years of exploring and delving into its mysteries.

It has proven, time and again, to be my most honest (and magical) way of loving this world.

I have an unabashed love of color with its evocative and descriptive powers and its mysterious ability to create light, space and emotion. When I draw/paint I see color existing first as light and secondarily as description. Lately, I’m fascinated with the way pattern can energize a space, create movement and vitality and suggest a dynamic color field energy.

Favorite jobs: college art professor, working at an independent bookstore, baker, and mom to 2 wonderful souls.

“Beauty exists in the absence of thought.” The possibility that beauty could transcend its pleasure giving aspect and become a luster of truth drives my art making.